Title: Clinical Sounds - Vol.1
Date: 2007-02-26
Keywords: illogical, eclectic, experimental, noise, abstract, free improvisation, dark ambient, ambient, industrial, electronica, field recordings, glitch, microsound, montage, psychedelic, psy-trance, soundscape, sound-art, strange, clinical, other
«Clinical experience, and also carried out practical researches show, that simultaneous use of two hearing aids allows to distinguish more precisely sounds and, that is especially important, better to understand speech even to people with serious loss of hearing of one ear and full deafness of another...»
(from «Binaural prosthetics»)
* This citation has no attitude to the given compilation.
Tracklist CD 1:

101. Etat Des Stocks – Klassikkos – 4:22
Track "Klassikkos" it is taken from CD-album "cd08 - Etat Des Stocks - "archives".
Etat Des Stocks is solo project of Patrick Parent.
102. Toby Dammit – I Corpi Presentano Tracce Di Violenza Carnale – 4:30
«Toby Dammit i corpi presentano tracce di violenza carnale.»
Toby Dammit is : Emanuelle G. voice and noise.
103. Zack Kouns – Isabella – 4:12
104. L.A.M.P. - Procedure 238 – 5:02
«Procedure 238 is a sound of a patient (me) wheezing because his lungs are full of fluid and it makes breathing a bit difficult.
I recorded this while I was sick and later did some voice/shortwave radio work in it as well. I was also experimenting with some Japanese Folk singing (style, not the language of its native origin) and I thought it came together quite well. The High tones are a tibetian singing bowl that I sampled and used it for the melodic tones.»
L.A.M.P is the solo project of Benjamin Thompson, and features ultra tight beats off set with unsual noises and black humor.
(Backwards NW)
«Backwards NW is the noisy ecletic sister label of Backwards Records as a label we strive to release , promote and book musicians and artists that produce music without boundaries , this includes a wide range of unusual music including such "genres" as : Trashtronica , Glitch, NOISE, puesdo classical, XXXOTICA, nu/old jazz , in/out jazz, DDDM, break-core, Neo poetix, GLIP GLOP, dionysion polish jam rock , ethereal industrial etc etc.
105. Peacemaker – The Holy Blood Of Angels – 4:02
“Please listen at top volume and with mindfulness for maximum transformational benefits.”
Peace is the victory!
106. Fecalove – Erection I – 5:03
« As for this track i used contact microphones , a cheap behringer mixer , some distortion pedals and field recordings on a train.»
«Fecalove - it's just my first noise/experimental project , started around 6 years ago.
I released several cdrs , tapes and mp3s pretty much all around the world , both solo and collaborations with other fuckers .
This year i'll probably have my first fecalove pro-cd release and an appearance in a split/collaboration vinyl on my label Turgid Animal.»
107. The PsychoParanoidFlowerPowerElectroShitSong Company – Lost Battles – 6:17
The PsychoParanoidFlowerPowerElectroShitSongCompany: songs by Presto,Viard. Ben Pat Bone Presto of Larsen Lombriki and CV of his many auditory Hallucinations.
108. Dizzonanz Domestic - American Or Traitor - A Fairy Tale By James W. Gerard – 7:11
109. Buben – Pere – 4:21
“VLADISLAV BUBEN - musician, promoter, creator of some radio and art projects from Belarus. Vladislav represents TV show about alternative electronic music ”Are you called electronics?”on local MTV(Belarus). 7 years Vlad represented radio show "The Lost World" (the oldest radio show in Belarus about extreme & alternative music.) Radio "Mir" 107.1 FM
Vladislav is main coordinator of. Lostworld webzine and label.
Buben creates some musician groups and projects in diferent styles. Some music projects : (Buben, Prus, Zeroism, Donald dark, Ego, Zhraja, Manstappz, Kein, Shamaniac, Over voltage, Bolshevik, ex Ambassador21, Perpetual deathic, Skvarka, Criminal chromosome, I me mine, Bachus, Panie Kahanku e.t.c.)”
Labels around the world released Vladislav Buben records -
Beergut recordings (U.K.), biv0uac (U.S.A.), Dreamlandrecordings (Australia), Tibproductions (Norway), Noise-joy (U.S.A.)
Roil noise (U.S.A), Marasm records (France), Audiotong (Poland), No Angels (Poland), Smellthestench (Australia), Sudden death records (Canada), Agressive guerilla records (Holland), Redstar budapestrecords (Hungary), PravDaDA org. (Holland), System hang (Singapoure), Black orchid (Chech), Dis production (Belarus), Invasion wrechords (Belarus), Zaftich research (U.S.A.), D.A.C.records (Ukraine)e.t.c.
110. CircumLiver – Il Sole Di Granada (remake 2006) – 3:24
CircumLiver (Circumcisus Liver)
CircumLiver it's a solo project of Paolo - member of band "Triplomaltose" - from Trieste (Italy).
The band Triplomaltose has composed electronic and experimental sounds from year 1985 until the end of 90's.
The CircumLiver project is begun in year 2005, the sound recalling particularly atmospheres already explored
of Triplomaltose.
see e.g. the tracks: "Il Sole di Granada" and "Pianeta Papalla" remake 2006 of the same by Triplomaltose 1992.
111. Zaz Zetoun Mind - Ych'ehrt - (live act thought deadend 26.12.06) – 5:11
ZAZ ZETOUN MIND is a solo project by MONDRAGON EYE EYE EYE member of french ritual duet KHU.
112. Larsen Lombriki – Livin In A Jingle – 2:12
"From Communism to Jingle-ism. A Global Feeling"
the line-up:
mr. E. Spenazo: guitar, loops, samples
Ben Presto: guitar, bass, voice, samples, cut-up, arrangement
+uno: supervising
Tracklist CD 2:

201. [-hyph-] – Realness 0.3.5 – 5:08
theme: illogical
constructed by Nicolas Wiese
berlin, 12/06 – 02/07
one of the first raw "test-"pieces for a new conceptual
group of works about the contradictions in hip hop.
while rap artists always insisted in "keeping it real",
one of the major motivations behind many rappers' careers
is to become someone else –
a rich and powerful person, making his peace with the
white dominated capitalistic society.
the rap artist's "realness" is meant to qualify his
success as a strategy of independence, but the opposite
is the case –
hip hop becomes a highly artificial, totally decontextualized
entertainment commodity and a flattened myth system
in a game that is by no means controlled by
the hip hop artists themselves.
in REALNESS, i am constructing my own highly artificial
and dislocated sound clusters out of hip hop –
by only using acapella rap vocals as source material.
in this particular piece, a few percussive sounds are added,
generated from various prcoessed acoustic instruments.
Nicolas Wiese / b. 1976 / is a visual artist, sound artist,
graphic designer and improvising musician who currently lives in Berlin.
he studied communication design, illustration and communication
theory at the university of applied sciences in Hamburg.
apart from exhibitions, installations, audiovisual performances,
short film projects, improv concerts and interdisciplinary workshops
his activities include the small tape & cdr label AIC, which he
is running together with Oliver Peters ( EVAPORI )
and G.Grimm ( TOTSTELLEN )
the project [-hyph-] has been started in 2001.
202. Sascha Neudeck – Kammstudie 1 – 6:44
«I used some self-soldered synths for the source-audio-files. After little bit processing them, there we used
feeding a combfilter/sample-morphing-max/msp patch. With this patch I created in realtime the three "kammfilterstudien".»
Bio - Sascha Neudeck
lebt und arbeitet in wien.
macht musik seit seiner kindheit. sein job (biochemiker in
forschungsinstitut) machte ihn indirekt auf die mikroskopische seite von
klängen aufmerksam. dieses interesse veranlaßte ihn, sich intensiv mit
klangpartikeln und deren verarbeitung zu beschäftigen.
dabei sind programme wie max/msp, audio sculpt und soundhack das werkzeug
mit dem er klänge auf miroskopischer ebene bearbeitet.
in letzter zeit werden auch selbstgebaute elektro-akoustische instrumente
und synthesizer modular miteinbezogen. zusätzlich sammelt er aufnahmen mit
dem field-recorder, welche in die stücke eingeflochten werden.
ein wichtiges kriterium für die auswahl der erzeugten oder verfremdeten
klänge und deren strukturierung ist die emotionelle wirkung der kreationen.
ein stück soll berühren, verführen und fesseln.
203. ±•¬.¬ - Modulotron – 2:46
"time inside time"
204. Syphilis Sauna – Vic The Virus – 4:55
"Vic knows that hes not much , a short slightly balding man in a rumpled overcoat he wonders how to replicate , he left his home so long ago and still no place to go , if only he could he find a way to replicate !"
"Syphilis Sauna is the solo project of Patrick Urn , concentrating mostly on extreme contrast between percieved beauty and harsh electronic sounds and beats Patrick Describes his music as "trashtronica".
Backwards NW is the noisy ecletic sister label of Backwards Records as a label we strive to release , promote and book musicians and artists that produce music without boundaries , this includes a wide range of unusual music including such "genres" as : Trashtronica , Glitch, NOISE, puesdo classical, XXXOTICA, nu/old jazz , in/out jazz, DDDM, break -core, Neo poetix, GLIP GLOP ,dionysion polish jam rock , ethereal industrial etc etc.
205. Jon Eriksen – Debris – 6:08
Jon Eriksen (b.1976 in Stockholm, Sweden) is a visual artist and noise musician. His recent video works and installations deal with overdriven modes of expression in contemporary culture in general, and the subcultures and dialectics of extreme music and film in particular.
As a noise artist Eriksen has since 1999 performed improvised concerts in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and the USA. His music is eclectic and intense, and connects as much to harsh noise as to extreme forms of electronica and electroacoustic music. His music has been released on labels in Norway, Sweden, UK, Austria, Holland, and Germany.
Eriksen lives and works in Malmö, Sweden.
206. Christian Galarreta – Canicula – 6:01
« Algoritmic behaviors, high frecuencies and silence based in the process of insects sounds recorded in the Peruvian Jungle.»
fecha: febrero 2007
Christian Galarreta: composer / performer of contemporary music and multidisciplinary artist. Born in Jan/03/1976, In Lima-Perú. From very young has taken particular lessons of music in different specialities and studied piano and composition in the conservatory of Lima "Josafat Roel Pineda" by two year (1995-1996). In 1998, He take lessons of Digital Electronics at Systems Peruvian Institute (SISE), that familiarized him with the use of computers and with the constructions of electronic circuits. He is applying this knowledge in his music since 1995 until now. He have many releases and participate in many events of electronic art with his sound performance and sonorous instalations. In the present, he bases his work, in the process of digital/analog sound and silence in life sessions, using technical as the indution of error in the software/hardware, the elaboration of generative tools via programming or self made physicall intruments and the use of the sound at extremely low or high level, what characterizes their performances.
In this way he formed EVAMUSS and DIOSMEHAVIOLADO, some of the most active musical projects of the Peruvian experimental scene between 1995 and 2002. Also by those years he founded ALOARDI, a independent South American label / asociation with a total focus in the sound exploration, alternative investigation and the organization of multidisciplinary events. Some of that is ATATAW!!! ( a "radio" program on line with experimental character) and ALONET ( label on line to free download music and projects). These two last years Aloardi is co-organizer of the VAE international festival of electronic arts and SURADIO a project of South American artists live concerts via stream. At the moment Galarreta publish solo records and collaborations with a lot of artist and labels of all the world, also he have various stable projects like Tica (with Fabiola Vasquez), Chichi y Riko (with Gabirel Castillo), Azucena Cantrix (with Wilder Gonzales) and many others.
207. Piscis – Ghost Flower – 6:29
Piscis is experimental/alternative electronic project from Mexico.
208. Nicolas Kinski – Tuesday 14h27 – 3:29
Artwork by Hannelore Brückner. Title: "Loneliness'
'Tuesday, 14:27' is all about feelings and emotions. It's about boredom and triviality, about banality and the importance of it.
The setting: hanging about in a room, with comfortably little to do. Outside wet streets are almost empty. One watches literally nothing happening. Time passes. A straydog barks. The wind blows, rain falls relentlessly. It is cold. People hurry by, home- or where-everbound, exhaling their steamy breath that reaches circling towards the sky. The clock ticks. Silence falls. A distant radio plays forgotten tunes. God is nowhere. The world keeps on turning. You're at a loss. It is 14:27 on a tuesday, one of the many.
Nicolas Kinski:
I am a German avant-garde artist whose aim it is to capture the fascination for the city of Berlin - or any terribly interesting city anywhere - in sounds that go way beyond the traditional songstructures. Though sober and repetitive, my songs are never logical, always - as the French so beautifully say - 'contraire'. My music itself is like an itinerary of Berlin and an intense diary of my life at the same time. Hear and feel a bruised, crazed city at night, champagning with noises and voices on sidewalks, in underpasses, partybunkers, bridges, overcrowded streets, populated with the strangest people you'll ever meet. Influences so profound, dark, gripping songs write themselves around them.
Band members:
Nicolas Kinski (° 1979) - voice & electronics
Kurt Mueller (° 1980) - percussion & noizz
Hannelore Brückner (° 1985) – artwork
209.Stangebye/Paulsen – Bergen-Kristiansand – 6:44
« the original work clocks in at 13:25 minutes, so it has been remixed and
worked down to 6:46 minutes.
Kristian Stangebye: plays MS-20. he is living in Bergen, Norway
Terje Paulsen: electroacoustics, is living in Kristiansand, Norway
In this project we were exploring the possibillities of improvising music
over the net, sharing soundfiles, with freedom to use or alter or even
delete each others contributions.
our two cities are 500km apart.
so, therefore the title: Bergen-Kristiansand.
Paulsen and Stangebye are also members of the Norwegian trio KONG KLANG.
210. Corpomorto – Autoscopia – 5:53
« We play improvised session maded with analog and digital stuff (but absolutely no software) and the tracks are usually untitled, but we've decided to make to this track "autoscopia" as title.»
CORPOMORTO is a collaboration project between MRK and SweetColdDeath,
an italian combo who made impro-noise (no)music D.I.Y. arty cassette
records from Florence Italy
211. Himmelkommando – Polar Night – 7:10
«Himmelkommando - it is noise, free improvisation and empirical experiences with a sound and music.»
212. Leiche Rustikal – Skra – 5:23
music rutrabaz, recordet 2007, domagkateliers, munich, germany
Tracklist CD 3:

301. Turmoil – Septic Turmoil – 7:13
Here is a song off of my new release "The World Is A Toilet"
Turmoil is a project i started 10 years ago. It is based on the manipulation of sound. the members of Turmoil are Tom Maggio and Holly Maggio we live in Florida the so called sunshine state. It is a hot miserable place to live but lots of inspiration for depressing music.
302. Ouraken – Zhongma Fortress – 5:04
In the depths of Zhongma Fortress, an army cameraman is taping, not knowing anymore if the sound he hears comes from the outside or from his mind… To quiet his soul he seeks the Muga-mushin, the void where everything is transcended.
Ouraken is a dark ambient project from Switzerland. Its music explores the creepiest aspects of Japanese history converging in the concept of Dark Zen. Dark or Martial zen unites tension and serenity, violence and beauty. Humble everyday life and ultimate reality, the Relative and the Absolute, destruction and harmony. A harmony built for the only purpose of its own destruction.
303. terje paulsen – Buhusregn – 10:46
« BUHUSREGN is a fieldrecording of rain & wind, - transformed into bells & bass, in samplitude.”
“terje paulsen, born 1958, kristiansand, norway.
have always been very interested in music, soundart & art generelly.
i am an selftaught artist (graphics, painting, drawing & music).
played in rock / punk bands back in the 70's.
i work with very simple tools: a cheap microphone, minidisc, objects & cheap piezos, acoustic guitar, 4 & 12 string bass, and some lovely flutes made by my good friend bernhard günter. i have a simple soundcard, and can hardly use my pc...
i like improvising.”
I'm also playing in KONG KLANG.
304. Time & Tide – Dark Window Flashing – 6:40
“Dark Window Flashing” was recorded specially to submit to the Clinical Archives Compilation during the live Full Moon improvisation session at the beginning of 2007. The track were recorded in a single take and the only editing that has been done is making them fade in/out»
Time & Tide was formed in January 2005 by Erix van Pelt (Analogue Pagans), Jeroen Visscher (Analogue Pagans, Hellmouth, Nascent) and Vincent Schenck (Eretsua, Hellmouth, Nascent, Navel). Starting in that same January, Time & Tide played monthly Full Moon electro-acoustic improvisations throughout 2005. At the end of 2005 / early 2006 Time & Tide performed a small series of successful concerts. It was the also that they released their debut, the now sold out & deleted faire d’une Pierre deux coups EP.
In 2006 Time & Tide’s self-titled full length, consisting out of tracks created from the Full Moon sessions of 2005 was finalized. In November of 2006 their 3rd EP remnants was released.
In 2007 Time & Tide will return to the Full Moon sessions as well as focus on playing live again.
305. Johann Wolfgang Pozoj – Brainwave Synchronizer – 10:52
« Brainwave Synchronizer can produce files that, when listened to with stereo headphones, will put the listener into any desired state of awareness. For example, by listening to “brainwaved” files, you can achieve states such as deep sleep, theta meditation, or alpha relaxation. Because of the nature of this function, it only works on stereo waveform data, and to be effective, it must be listened to with stereo headphones.
The Brainwave Synchronizer function spatially locates the audio left and right, in a circular pattern over time. In order to spatially encode the signal, either the left or right channel is delayed so that the sounds will appear at each ear at different times, tricking the brain into thinking they are coming from either side. When this is done at frequencies of 3Hz and above, the brain will start synchronizing at the same frequency, increasing its output of Delta, Theta, Alpha, or Beta frequencies.
For example, after 5 minutes of listening to Theta waves, the listener will become slightly awake, if 30 seconds of alpha waves are generated, and then returned back to theta. The effect is sort of like shifting gears into different levels of awareness.»
J.W. Pozoj is mystical symfocrust experiance. It works like a band with five steady members and few come-and-goes. Pozoj is a mystical animal that fled from people into the mountains. It came back into the time in 2002 A.D. The escape of Pozoj symbolizes tragedy. The first part of opus is concepted as trilogy: : Birth of Pozoj; Escape of Pozoj & Return of Pozoj. Pozoj doesn't know what we are and what music is but he has left us here all alone to find out.
DARKO SIMUNOVIC- vocal, FILIP FABEK- guitar, MARKO BALABAN- guitar, DOMAGOJ SOIC- bas guitar, NICOLAS SINKOVIC- keyboard & electronic stuff, LUKA KOVAC- drums
306. Mystified – Moon Bog Edit – 4:16
Mystified is an experienced electronica band. Genres include ambient, phonography, mellow noise and others. Mystified is actively creative and proud to appear on this compilation.
More information is here:
307. Ronny Wærnes – Blue Effects – 3:21
Blue Effects is a brand new track, its a bit rough. I made this on my own using only one effect box, recording and mixing it on my laptop.
308. AUN – Emperor Arse Floot – 3:20
AUN is Martin Dumais one of the figureheads of the electronic scene montrealaise since its genesis. Recording and playing live since the mid 80's. Half of award winning eclectic outfit LES JARDINIERS (2 adisqs Quebec grammys) with JF Charette (New Electric Dog). He largely contributed to the installation of the electronic music in Montreal and its diffusion internationally, while also working as a music producer for television and art expos. By 1992 he was commissionned by the Montreal St-Joseph Oratory to rework the music for their yearly easter presentation of 'The Way of The Cross'. His Hautec label produced good number of the first works of some of the leaders of the current local scene: Akufen (with whome he recorded the 1996 album Juicebox), Deadbeat, Champion... An encyclopedic DJ with several residencies since 92 (Laika, Bily Kun…) including a 4 year stint at the mythical Foufounes Électriques. He also performed full machine and dj sets at festivals like Sonar, Mutek and internationally : UK, France, Argentina, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany. AUN is a return to his first love of deep melodic lush drones and sometimes harsh angular electro-ambient textures produced with digital, analogical hardware and guitars. This rich and provocative music will be performed live and out on cd form on ORAL records march 15th 2007
309. Eretsua – Shipwrecked Cloud – 2:58
«Shipwrecked Cloud» was recorded on the 7th of July 2005.
Eretsua’s music oscillates between music and ambient with
percussion and melodies.
I sometimes also make noisier modern ambient.
310. Domestic Turmoil – Aegri Somnia – 5:01
Domestic Turmoil is Tom Maggio of Turmoil and Caleb Jones of Dizzonanz Domestic the collaboration was done over the internet passing files back and forth,chopping them up and peicing them back togeather. These songs are of our first release "Paroxysm"
This is our myspace page:
311. Kanalkrank – Clinical 1 – 9:25
«It's a form of channel sickness, diving among the drone clouds.»
The music is recorded as it is discovered.
312. Tzunami Fancoil Orchestra – No Man's Eyes – 5:34
TZUNAMI FANCOIL ORCHESTRA is a anonymous collective from the black heart of Florence .
We made (no)sounds for (no)scapes to obtain the perfect soundtrack for inevitable human disasters.
Tracklist CD 4:

401. Noiz + Zilenth - Inzane – 5:26
N+Z (Fco. Alejandro Maldonado M.)
Is a very young musician who started playing with cheap electronic keyboards. He learned to play drums and percussion but has mainly opted to learn about music software. His first performance as N&Z was in Tijuana's "el Callejon" bar, opening for C/A/T. He has since then shared the stage with Hocico and Epidemia. His focus is on the industrial noise genre but includes elements of classical and hindu music…
, as part of his performance has several ways of introducing different elements into his music. It’s composed of several influences that goes from “Power Noise” to the most essential feelings, in composed and distorted melodies.
His first CD called “Noir Tag” will be released in October of 2006, it’s based in lyrical compositions, Hindu and Classical Music, and sound variations that can easily betray our mind. He arrived to Tijuana in 1993, obsessed with arts, at age 14 he took Plastic Arts classes. After 5 years of learning the most deep and intense art narrations, he focused on what he wanted to do the most; enjoying and having an interest in classical piano, he was interested in being able to create music until he found the way of doing it thru computers and computer software, and by interpreting musical notes he was able to learn and to manipulate digital instruments as well.
, It’s a solo project. He has now 9 years as an artist and 5 years in the music business, he tries to express that not only in traditional music, but also in this kind it’s possible to interpret melodies that can get to the mind but also… to the heart.
402. Kuxaan-sum - Blizzarine Sundry – 8:15
Blizzarine Sundry:
On 12-21-2006 Denver, CO was hit with the first of 2 blizzards which shut the entire city down for days on end...
i was caught trying to get home that afternoon, could not see 3 feet in front of myself, walking down the abandoned city streets, the snow was well over knee high as several inches had accumulated within just a few hours....15 foot drifts surrounded me.
i was alone.the city was dead. no one was lurking. it was very peaceful.
Colorado was declared to be in a state of emergency and people were highly recommended not to leave their homes. three days passed before i emerged from my basement. Blizzarine Sundry was conceived.
it is the story of nature unleashed, peacefully falling, but with massive force.
--gabriel temeyosa--
403. Musica-Ex-Machina – Ode To Eternity – 7:36
Musica-Ex-Machina is the electronic side of Pozoj and represents us as means through which the music speaks out. Musica-Ex-Machina is the birth of tragedy from the spirit of music which concerns everyone equaly regardless of someones subjective opinion or stands. It is substance of every heart, mind and soul and of course part of everything what is given in time. With music we get closer to the silence of time.
Krachermensch in der Krachzeit
Die Welt hat sich im Geist auflassen
Krachzeit in dem Krachermensch
Der Angstruf des Geistes durch uns erscheint.
404. Liquid Signal Distortion & Nihilist Tantrum – Tender Denial – 6:31
Nihilist Tantrum made the rythms and Liquid Signal Distortion made the noisefills. This collaboration of two Belgian projects was especially recorded at Hemel Centraal for Clinical Archives.
Nihilist Tantrum :
Liquid Signal Distortion:
405. Luminous – You Know What I Want – 4:18
"Luminous began in the late nineties as Tim Chaplin's electronic/experimental project.”
406. Wolfman Amadeus Mozart – Optimism Is A Treatable Disease – 1:32
Wolfman Amadeus Mozart is a asocial psudo-musician, pseudo-writer and pseudo-designer from Italy, member of the pseudo-artistic group "improponibile" (http://www.improponibile.com/)
Wolfman Amadeus Mozart is characterized by a broader snout and eyes more dorsally located than their cousins.
An average Wolfman Amadeus Mozart weight and length is 60 lbs. and 130 feet long.
His diet consisting mostly of food.
It is thought to have become extinct in the 20th century.
407. Brainquake - 360°Awareness – 5:12
"This track, build upon a simple sequence that expands and decreases tries to capture a world where all our senses are forced into a state of total awareness of our surroundings”
Name: Marc Ceulemans
Living in Belgium
brainquake is busy since 1988
active in lot's of bands, in "Psych Krist Kastrator" amongst others
Running a smallscale CDR-label focussing on ambient, noise, electronica and experimental called "Thee Disciples Ov Penumbra"
408. Urbanisation Obscure – Tracking Down The Consumer – 6:57
"There is no privacy..."
"Urbanisation Obscure means "dark urbanisation" (shorted UBE), and started approximately sometime during the autumn of 2005, with no earlier experience of making electronic art or music. UBE tries to give the listener different states of mind, feelings or atmospheres, withouth directly telling how to analyze it, how to listen to it, what to think about it. UBE is about consumption, greed, hate, lust, violence, culture, minority, power. Sometimes the mind gets more liquid, and pours over the edges, and goes outside the frames of reality."
409. Lezet – El Ave Fea – 0:43
"El ave fea" slightly touches the issue of Maurice Maeterlinck's "L'oiseau bleu (Blue Bird)". Is life blue? Or do we live our lives in living colours? This comic relief of a track bristles past the Ultimate Question without actually solving anything or delving deeper into the abovementioned problem..."
410. Narcosa – Todesspritze – 5:49
411. Djet – Eleventh Tablet – 7:09
«Penultimate medicine...»
Djet is the solo project of Alexander Lisovsky. Exists since 2002. The basic direction in creativity Djet is synthesis of various styles and directions in electronic, acoustic and noises to music. Connections rational with irrational, eclecticism and sound installation, soundart and soundscape are the basic clothes covering the main core - the rhythm. Style can be named as - electronic/synthesis experimentation.
412. Loafeye – March On And Sea – 4:06
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(design covers by Clinical Archives / 2007)