
ca181 - Kakitsubata (Sylvie Walder + _) - For _

Artist: Kakitsubata (Sylvie Walder + _)
Title: For _
Date: 2008-11-04
Keywords: musique mélancholique et romantique
01 - For _ :プレゼント - 3:13 (320 kbps)
02 - Beating heart in a distant town: きこえるかな - 5:11 (320 kbps)
03 - Dust of silence: 触れることができる音 - 3:58 (320 kbps)
04 - Waves unknown: 波の生まれる場所 - 5:00 (320 kbps)
05 - Nocturnal: ノスタルジア - 4:46 (320 kbps)
06 - Backyards forgotten: 忘れ去られた裏庭 - 4:38 (320 kbps)
07 - Beyond the grey clouds: 曇り空のかなたに - 3:51 (320 kbps)
08 - Nightmare: 怖い夢 - 3:53 (320 kbps)
09 - Souvenir: 想い出 - 4:41 (320 kbps)
10 - Night sky: 夜空 - 2:54 (320 kbps)
11 - Through the curtain: ゆらぎ - 3:36 (320 kbps)
12 - City lights: 街の灯 - 3:12 (320 kbps)
13 - Fading away: 薄明 - 1:48 (320 kbps)

cover front
booklet 1-4
booklet 2-3
cover back
disk label image

About Sylvie Walder:
Sylvie Walder discovered "_" 's music on myspace and was struck by its weirdness and intimacy. A friend request was sent and the two began to share music and thoughts.
The idea of remixing each other finally emerged. "_" had already released an album on Rack and Ruins records. Sylvie decided to take the chance and try to make "_ "'s raw music sound totally different. It was indeed a kind of "tour de force" to make an ambient album out of this really raw material, using only minimal equipment, and adding no extraneous sounds. It finally resulted in 13 melancholic tracks. The initial sound has been softened to create a really gentle drifting atmosphere which, combined with the titles, should work as little paintings of an imaginary "vie quotidienne". Sylvie Walder just wanted to make "_" a musical gift. But the two thought it could be interesting to release this music and let a wider audience be aware of the project.

Sylvie Walder works alone or with others using mainly field recordings and drones. There's no particular aim in sw's music. It sounds "ambient" today, it could sound totally different tomorrow. The aesthetics though remain quite firm: the fields, the trees, the clouds, Knut Hamsun.

About _:
1. I can't play musical instruments.
2. I'm a student studying Japanese contemporary literature.
3. So I don't know a theory of the music at all.
4. I don't have most of the machine for recording.
5. I hardly know English.
6. All my music is certain plagiarism.
7. Thank you.

シルヴィ·ワルダー: 彼女はmyspaceで_の音楽を見つけ、その音楽のおかしさと人懐っこさに感銘を受け、彼とコンタクトを取った。
それから彼女はRack & Ruin recordsからリリースされていた彼の音源を使って、アンビエントなアルバムを制作した。
彼女はこの作品を彼へのプレゼントのつもりで制作したが、Clinical Archivesから発表することによって、より多くのリスナーにこのユニットのことを知ってほしいと願っている。)

Sylvie Walder -
_ -