Title: The Synthi Group Vol. 2
Date: 2009-12-24
Keywords: experimental, space music, ambient, repetitive music, glitch, electro, electronic, psychedelic, doombient, synth noise, noise, drone, other
Track 1
Artist: THM
Title: Flirtation In Paradise (The Apple And The Snake) (320 kbps)
Duration: 5:04
Device: EMS Synthi-AKS (all sounds, except strings), Elka Rhapsody (strings), Roland RE-301 Chorus Echo, Roland SRV-330 (reverbs) and SDE-330 (delay); sequences controlled by DotCom Q960 sequencer (with COTK-961D) via Digitana CV/Gate to Synthi controller box; recorded and processed digitally via Cubase 5.1
Genre: Space Music / Ambient / Experimental
Contact: http://www.myspace.com/thmsynthfreak
Location: Belgium
Track 2
Artist: Trinité
Title: Le Feu de Saint-Elme (320 kbps)
Time: 7:00
Device: Ems Synthi A / Ems Universal sequencer / Ems Synthi Hifli / Tenori / Philips Philicorda / Maracas / Jen pianotone / Organ & Bass Accordion sounds/Pro-one. (First drone : osc from synthi A thru synthi filter and mos lab filter bank, sequences made by the synthi A with Universal Sequencer, Tenori Bass sequence fed into the Synthi Hifli, Philicorda fed into Synthi A / Filter / Env / Reverb, gated by Universal sequencer,Pro-one arpeggio).
Genre: Repetitive music
Contact: http://trinite-music.blogspot.com / trinite-music@gmail.com
Location: France
Track 3
Artist: Frequency in cycles per second
Title: Proto-Raum (unreleased track from "Aerosol" album - now available on iTunes) (320 kbps)
Time: 7:21
Device: EMS Synthi AKS, EMS Soundbeam.
Genre: Experimental
Contact: http://www.theesonicabyss.com
Location: Germany
Track 4
Artist: Jacti
Title: Schizoland 9 (320 kbps)
Time: 5:30
Device: EMS Synthi AKS, Korg Stage Echo, Revox B77, composed in 1979.
Genre: Experimental
Contact: http://www.jacti.com
Location: France
Track 5
Artist: Alka
Title: diode malfunktion (320 kbps)
Time: 5:05
Device: EMS Synthi AKS Mk1, Elektron Machinedrum UW SPS1 Mk2, Roland SH-101. Further processing and recording through Apple Logic Pro.
Genre: Glitch / Electro / Experimental
Contact: http://www.reverbnation.com/buryn
Location: USA
Track 6
Artist: Sam Samshuijzen
Title: One of these Imps (320 kbps)
Time: 7:37
Device: modified EMS Synthi AKS
Making: One-take improvisation
Genre: Electronic MUX
Comment: recorded in 1977, re-mastered from tape 2009.
Contact: http://www.xs4all.nl/~samzen/
Location: Studio Denkraam, the Netherlands
Track 7
Artist: Digitana
Title: Vayu Somnium (320 kbps)
Time: 5:15
Device: All sounds made entirely with a single VCS3 controlled by a TKS , and an EMS RVG.Some delay effects used on some tracks and slight overall reverb added to the master for ambience.
Genre: psychedelic / experimental
Contact: http://www.synthi.co.uk
Location: UK
Track 8
Artist: Green Line
Title: Deodar Road (320 kbps)
Time: 5:15
Device: EMS Synthi AKS
Genre: electronic
Contact: http://www.myspace.com/gogreenline
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Track 9
Artist: Doombient
Title: Slower (320 kbps)
Time: 7:19
Device: EMS VCS 3 MK I, ARP 2600, loop devices. Performed and recorded live in concert at Nacht der Klänge,
Bielefeld University, 29th may 2009.
Genre: doombient
Contact: http://www.parsick.com/
Location: Germany
Track 10
Artists: La Guerre Des Boutons (Trap & Zoid, Djp, Boeuf Stroganoff)
Title: 6eme sens giratoire (320 kbps)
Time: 7:00
Devices: (ab)used during the session
Synths : EMS Synthi AKS (with Digitana interfaces), Analogue Systems - Doepfer-Livewire modular system, DIY mysterious evolutive electronic music boxes, Korg MS-10 and SQ-10, Roland SH-101 and JX3Pv Effects : Aria AD-10, Electro-Harmonix Nano Small Stone, Boss CE-1 Improvised November 7th 2009 during a jam session
Recorded live with Edirol R-09HR Lightly edited with Audacity
Genre: psychedelic/experimental
Contact: http://www.dogmazic.net/La_Guerre_Des_Boutons
Location: Belgium
Track 11
Artist: Head Boggle
Title: Ampulla Synthi Mumbo (320 kbps)
Time: 2:47
Device: EMS Synthi A
Genre: Synth Noise
Contact: http://myspace.com/headboggle
Location: San Francisco, Calif. USA
Track 12
Artist: Johan Schurer
Title: Spring Time (320 kbps)
Time: 3:33
Device: EMS Synthi AKS, Analog Delay
Genre: Experimental
Recorded in two pieces entirely using the Synthi's spring reverb.
Contact: http://www.myspace.com/johanschurer
Location: The Netherlands
Track 13
Artist: Jonathan Fitoussi
Title: Music For Synthi (320 kbps)
Time: 5:01
Device: EMS Synthi AKS / Nagra IV-S
Genre: electronic
Contact: http://www.jfitoussi.eu
Location: France
Track 14
Artist: Maelem
Title: Metal Aliens Lap Dance (320 kbps)
Time: 6:52
Device: EMS Synthi A
Genre: Noise
Contact: http://www.myspace.com/maelem
Location: France
Track 15
Artist: Mono-Poly
Title: Blip00 (320 kbps)
Time: 2:48
Device: EMS Synthi AKS and Blippoo Box
Genre: Experimental
Contact: http://mono-poly.blogspot.com
Location: Netherlands
Track 16
Artist: George Kayavis
Title: Crackle (320 kbps)
Time: 2:32
Device: VCS3 MK II , EMS 256 universal sequencer, one take recorded onto logic no effects used.
This tune is sort of a tribute to the crackle box.
Genre: Experimental
Contact: http://www.synthorama.com
Location: Greece
Track 17
Artist: Impulsantwort
Title: unsound structures (320 kbps)
Time: 8:46
Device: EMS Synthi AKS treated by EMS Soundbeam recorded via RME Fireface, processed digitally through ProTools.
Genre: Drone
Contact: http://www.impulsantwort.com
Location: Germany
Track 18
Artists: Nicholas D. Kent and John Blackford
Title: subtonic (320 kbps)
Time: 4:17
Device: Synthi AKS (x2), Moogerfooger MF-104 Delay, Blacet Time Machine
Genre: Experimental
Contact: http://www.nickkent.net
Location: US
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disk label image
The Synthi Group is back for the second installment of their ongoing Electronic Music Studio (EMS) instrument centered compilations. With the popularity of Vol. I, downloaded over 41,000 times, it was made clear that an interest exists for the unique sound of EMS machinery. Vol. II continues the DIY ethic of the first, encapsulating a diverse array of sounds from ultrasonic frequencies and spring reverb howls to rubbery logic sequences and colliding inverted ramp oscillators.
The members presenting their own manipulations and interpretations of the Synthi. Encompassing elements from vintage analog, ambient, glitch and experimental, both beginners and aficionados of electronic music alike will find interest in the varying styles presented here. Available through Clinical Archives, the Synthi Group: Vol. II must not be missed. Bleep.