
ca429 - melting clouds - blind queen (EP)

Artist: melting clouds 
Title: blind queen (EP)
Date: 2011-03-16
Keywords: improvisation; psychedelic; experimental; ambient
(320 kbps)
01 - Blind queen - 11 :47
02 - Defoliation - 15:44

cover front 
cover back
disk image
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blind queen - the story of a woman representing the beauty and holiness which irreversibly loses it under pressure from the crowd madness of mankind.

defolation - melting shroud enveloping the smells sinking into a lazy sadness and desire to unite with all

Levchenko Dmitry – guitar, vocal, synthesizer, programming
Lorn Ivan – synthesizer, programming

January 2011


Bonus video:

Concert Melting Clouds in the art center Ya Gallery.
City of Dnepropetrovsk.
Cultural event in the project feel it! Abstract art vs modern music - a kind of tandem participants in this project.

Концерт группы Melting Clouds в арт-центре Я Галерея.
Культурное событие в рамках проекта Чувствую! Абстрактное искусство vs современной музыки - своеобразный тандем участников данного проекта.