
ca470 - Sam Nacht / Leo Bettinelli / Gustavo Lucero - Dopamine

Artist: Sam Nacht / Leo Bettinelli / Gustavo Lucero
Title: Dopamine
Date: 2011-09-23
Keywords: improvisation; experimental; abstract
(320 kbps)
01 - D1 D1 - 1:10
02 - D1 D5 - 0:27
03 - D2 D2 brazo corto - 14:43
04 - D2 D2 brazo largo - 9:59
05 - D2 D3 - 6:13
06 - D2 D4 - 6:05

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disk image

Bio: Gustavo Lucero (pdf)
Bio: Leo Bettinelli (pdf)
Bio: Sam Nacht (pdf)

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Sam Nacht
Having studied several instruments both formally and self-taught, in ’99 Sam narrowed it down to the tenor saxophone, taking private lessons with Juan Ignacio Caino, Luis Nacht (no relation) and eventually Evan Parker. His interest in music lead him to study Electroacoustic Composition at the University of Quilmes (2000-06). A few years later he started teaching privately and then between 2006-09 at St. George’s College, Quilmes. By now he also plays a little clarinet, flute and trombone, regularly combining these acoustic wind instruments with the digital and analogical sound processes granted by the present music scene. He has developed these resources here in Argentina, as well as in Chile, Brazil and Europe, in stylistic contexts that range from jazz to noise, flirting with classical music, performing in intimate duets and riotous ensembles and even in sober and streamlined orchestras. The underlying motif throughout all of this music, however, has always been an inevitable component of improvisation and experimentation. Today, he improvises regularly in the underground scene in Buenos Aires.
His musical experience, nonetheless, has always been complemented by his theatrical beginnings. In 1998 he graduated in the Honours School of Drama from Manchester University, having participated as an actor, director and author in festivals in Edinburgh, London and Sao Paulo. He then worked as a technician in the Teatro del Sur in Buenos Aires (1999-2000). At the beginning of the millennium, his work in the music theatre company Mute turned out to be one of the most rewarding niches in which to make the most of all the accumulated musical and theatrical interests and experiences.
In addition to his artistic facet, Sam also works backstage with the Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (since 2006), the Buenos Aires International Festival, and as cofounder he also runs the eclectic nocturnal events of Niños Consentidos (Enfants Terribles/Spoilt Brats –both in Buenos Aires and Barcelona) and the weekly special Lunes/Martes sin Sentido (Nonsense Mondays/Tuesdays).
Due to his English nationality and bilingual nature, Sam also works as a freelance translator and interpreter, with special emphasis on collaborating with Argentine production companies.

Leo Bettinelli, starting from improvisation and the use of objects and unconventional instruments, he delved into a world of sound of practically endless possibilities, nearing the musical subconscious, which he then incorporated into his life, both as a performer as well as the organizer of several series of experimental music concerts in different venues in Buenos Aires and Barcelona, where renowned musicians both from the local and international scene were invited to participate.
He has released independently 8 albums of experimental music as well as using the same approach in popular music, where he released two more as producer and performer: a reggae album (Sien Volando) and an electropunk album (Karmanoise). All of these and many other pieces have also been performed live.
Having come to Europe he also developed his work as a photographer and performer, having participated in several art festivals and photography exhibitions, sharing his work in all three fields: music, photography and performance.
At present he also organizes the experimental and interdisciplinary festival “Niños Consentidos Barcelona”. (
Enanas blancas – La hermana prolijita (2006)
Cien Volando – Cien Volando (2007)
Karmanoise – Karmanoise single (2007)
Santiago Rey / Leo Bettinelli – improvisación 03-05-07 (2007)
Sam Nacht / Grod Morel / Leo Bettinelli – Barbie in wonderland (2007)
Leo Bettinelli – Unconventional remix (2007)
Leo Bettinelli / Juan Matos Capote (2009)
Leo Bettinelli / Sam Nacht – Superstrings (2010)
Sam Nacht / Leo Bettinelli / Gustavo Lucero – Dopamine (2010)
Leo Bettinelli / Pol Nieva – Pale (2011)
VA – Out of silence – (modisti 2011)
VA – La Justa Entropía #2 (2011)

Gustavo Lucero Adorador de las sutiles resonancias a las que estamos lanzados a veces apenas concientes, en sus collages, improvisaciones y puestas sonoras, busca unir lo más escondido de aquellas vivencias cotidianas con el múltiple caudal de estilos de cuya agua es esponja. Desde intervenciones de guitarra sobre tramas electrónicas hasta ejecuciones de instrumentos acústicos con intervenciones digitales, muchos son los elementos que formaron parte de sus participaciones en puestas teatrales (Salud, Orejas caídas y hocico casi cilíndrico, Kafkaesk, La cuestión del deseo, La gran ausencia, La realidad y el deseo, Canto de sirenas), cine documental (La hormiga roja), danza (Esquina, Anorma) y video arte (Patchinka). Es de Buenos aires. Comenzó a estudiar guitarra siendo niño, pasando más tarde por algunas bandas (El Mal Paso – La Diabla – Cosmic Jaja), para luego comenzar a abordar la composición a veces a través y a veces a partir de medios electroacústicos y electrónicos. Actualmente trabaja en la música y diseño sonoro de la puesta en escena de “El gigante Amapolas y sus formidables enemigos”.
