
ca483 - Ak-47 Big Band - Ak-47 Big Band

Artist: Ak-47 Big Band
Title: Ak-47 Big Band
Date: 2011-12-24
Keywords: jazz
(320 kbps)
01 - Good Bait - 7:02
(solos: Jesus Silva; Nicolas Alvarez; Pablo Aragona)
02 - The Sidewinder - 9:14
(solos: Nicolas Alvarez; Fermin Echeveste; Pablo Moldes)
03 - Easy to Love -7:49
(solos: Fermin Echeveste / Marcelo Garofalo; Santiago Kurchan / Pablo Moldes)
04 - As Times Goes By - 10:01
(solos: Roman Ostrowsky; Fermin Echeveste; Andres Przybylko)
05 - In a Sentimental Mood - 12:34
(solos: Andres Przybylco; Santiago Kurchan, Pablo Moldes, Federico Fernandez)

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Federico Fernandez - Trompet
Fermin Echeveste - Trompet
Jesus Silva - Trombon
Felicitas Rocha - Trombon
Pablo Moldes - Alto sax and flute
Nicolas Alvarez - Tenor sax y flute
Santiago Kurchan - Tenor sax, Clarinet and Arrangments
Marcelo Garofalo - Baritone sax
Roman Ostrowsky - Guitar
Andres Przybylko - Dubblebass
Pablo Aragona - Drums

All tracks arranged by Santiago Kurchan
Produced by Santiago Kurchan and Pablo Aragona
Recorded in Casa Frida Octubrer 21st, 2011
Mixed and mastered in Casa Frida

This is not exactly a record. It's just a sample of the work we've been doing, wich we are proud of and wanting to show. It's not a record because the group formed just a few months ago and a proyect this big has it's own times to develop and to generate a continuity and flow in the music and in the people. Never the less I expect for you to hear and enjoy it and, when the actual record shows up, you'll be willing to hear it!! I want to thank Pablo Aragona for suponting me and push me to write all this and for helping me to create and carry the group. Also I want to thank all the musicians in the proyect, the ones in this recording but also the people that played in the big band and coudn't continue and those who, in diferent situtations, played making a replacment with us.


Esto no es un disco. Es simplemente una muestra del trabajo que estamos haciendo, del cual estamos orgullosos y deseosos de mostrar. No es un disco porque el grupo se formo hace unos pocos meses y un proyecto tan grande tiene sus tiempos para acomodarse y para generar una continuidad en la musica y en la gente. Igualmente esperamos que lo escuchen, lo disfruten y que, cuando aparezca, tengan ganas de escuchar el disco real. Yo, personalmente, le agradezco especialmente a Pablo (Aragona) por apoyarme y empujarme a escribir todo esto y a armar y a llevar el grupo. Tambien a todos los miembros actuales, a los que pasaron por el grupo y no pudieron seguir y a quienes, en diferentes situaciones, tocaron de reemplazo con nosotros.
