
ca499 - Bosques de mi Mente - 20 de Abril

Release has been removed at the request of the author

Artist: Bosques de mi Mente
Title: 20 de Abril
Date: 2012-05-17
Keywords: minimalism; piano
(320 kbps)
01 - 20 de Abril - 44:03

20th of April… the night before I was travelling to Berlin, there was a terrible storm here in Madrid… It had a lot of strength, and it moved me so much that I decided to set some ambient mics pointing to the storm and another two mics recording the piano, and started playing. I left my mind wander through the piano notes for three quarters of an hour and, when I finished, I got up, closed the lid of the piano, pressed the STOP button, and started to prepare my luggage. When I came back from Berlin, I played the recording again, and was so impressed by what I heard that I decided to share it. The result is “20 de Abril” (April the 20th), the most minimalist album of Bosques de mi Mente to date.
