Title: Clinical Sounds - Vol.2
Date: 2007-05-15
Keywords: clinical, illogical, turntablism, experimental, eclectic, noise, abstract, free improvisation, dark ambient, ambient, industrial, electronica, field recordings, psychedelic, soundscape, strange, other
«Clinical experience, and also carried out practical researches show, that simultaneous use of two hearing aids allows to distinguish more precisely sounds and, that is especially important, better to understand speech even to people with serious loss of hearing of one ear and full deafness of another...»
(from «Binaural prosthetics»)
* This citation has no attitude to the given compilation.
cover front cd 1
cover front cd 2
cover back cd 1
cover back cd 2
disk label image cd 1
disk label image cd 2
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CD 1
101. Luwte – Now it is! - 4:09
«The track "now it is!" is about trying to get as close as possible to living a life you choose yourself.
Its our tribute to mid nineties hardcore punk.»
102. DJ Syah - No wurd 'n' bass (back in the place yeah) – 3:04
This track is one that will sometime appear on my first turntablism (based) album. Featuring on this album is DJ Sniper with a track that is also released on 'Break Seven the remixes' by DJ Quest. Also featuring DJ Irie (runner up at world dj championship 2006) on 2 tracks. Other featurings: DJ Beedie, DJ Neoteric, Fatt Matt, N(obody) and maybe some more MCs.
103. podL - #42 privacy wav - 4:52
[this is a piece from the upcoming album
Musik voor Fabriekshallen, scheduled fall 2007 Hectic Recs]
sound/visual artist
Zutphen, the Netherlands
104. Etat Des Stocks - Another Prisoner – 4:22
Track " Another Prisoner " it is taken from CD-album " cd08 - Etat Des Stocks - "archives".
Etat Des Stocks is solo project of Patrick Parent.
105. L'habitant – Premier mars – 4:08
“Of course, i'm not more than just what i am.
I love music and i've made a lot of (sometimes very) different things. ...
I generally prefer the seekers rather than the imitators, but i hate to put shit into my ears (everyone to his own taste !). (And ears are fragile ... more than you think ...). So i hate the noise, experimental just for experimental, originality just for originality (it's so easy to do !) ...
What are experimental and originality without imagination and soul ? ... For me, that's not music.
I hope you enjoy mine.
Respect to you, your ears and heart. Enjoy life while you can ! ;~)
L'habitant (Marc (C.D.) Bourdin)”
106. Djet vs Piscis – Object 5 Ctrlroom – 5:37
collaboration Djet and Piscis
Djet is the solo project of Alexander Lisovsky.
Piscis is experimental/alternative electronic project from Mexico.
107. Sascha Neudeck – kammstudie 2 – 4:46
«I used some self-soldered synths for the source-audio-files. After little bit processing them, there we used
feeding a combfilter/sample-morphing-max/msp patch. With this patch I created in realtime the three "kammfilterstudien".»
Bio - Sascha Neudeck
lebt und arbeitet in wien.
macht musik seit seiner kindheit. sein job (biochemiker in
forschungsinstitut) machte ihn indirekt auf die mikroskopische seite von klängen aufmerksam. dieses interesse veranlaßte ihn, sich intensiv mit klangpartikeln und deren verarbeitung zu beschäftigen.
dabei sind programme wie max/msp, audio sculpt und soundhack das werkzeug mit dem er klänge auf miroskopischer ebene bearbeitet. in letzter zeit werden auch selbstgebaute elektro-akoustische instrumente und synthesizer modular miteinbezogen. zusätzlich sammelt er aufnahmen mit dem field-recorder, welche in die stücke eingeflochten werden. ein wichtiges kriterium für die auswahl der erzeugten oder verfremdeten klänge und deren strukturierung ist die emotionelle wirkung der kreationen.
ein stück soll berühren, verführen und fesseln.
108. Piscis – Rascacielos – 5:41
Piscis is experimental/alternative electronic project from Mexico.
109. Roberto Maldoror Manfredini – Berio Beyond Necropsy 1 – 4:44
«Rudimental sampling, my first recording digitalized for a chamber noise tribute to italian composer Luciano Berio (1925-2003)”
«The instrument I can play at the best is tape. From 2000 to 2005 I used to
play everyday with recording tape and mix, cut, sampling in a very rough
way. I think I was reasoning with the categories of "coexistence" (on
vertical plane) and "succession" (on horizontal plane). In the last two
years I digitalized every sound I produced (I created my instruments too,
inspired by futurist Luigi Russolo and his series of "Intonarumori". One of
the most interesting is the "Chaosmotic Machine", now destroyed because of
my nihilism).
I didn't digitalized my songs: instead I have recorded it over again,
starting by the sounds. My hypothesis is that in the digital sampling there
is more than two categories: I can suppose the existence of a third
category, "consistence" (which is on a diagonal line, not on a plane).
Actually I'm supposing that the third category, "consistence" both exists in
tape and digital version, but if in the tape-working it is a diagonal line,
in digital it is a diagonal plane. I think the most important difference is
that in digital you can control the spectrum totally... but I'm still
working on that. (By the way, a great article by Christoph Cox confirms my
hypothesis: «Electronic music places the plane of organization on a plane of
consistency» [cfr. "How Do You Make Music a Body without Organs?"]).
I can call my stile "futuristic", with some concessions on dada & noise
composition. My time is rooted in 1913, the year of The Art of Noises by
Luigi Russolo. Indeed I have a particular definition to describe my genre:
"mondo music". Probably you know the reference of that: Mondo Cane, the
greatest documentary/movie of Gualtiero Jacopetti (Lucca, 1919), a brillant
director led by strange mixture of humanism, illuminism, anthropology,
colonialism and every "ism" that you can find in bizarre and grotesque
italian culture. The term "mondo" became a worldwide definition of an art
that embraces exotic aberration and grandguignolesque devices of farther
societies, and so on..
I'm trying to put embarrassing instruments and outlandish styles in my
electronic pieces to legitimate the mondo philosophy in contemporary music
(consciously that the forerunners are millions). At leastwise I want to
appear satyrical and genteel at the same time.»
110. L.A.M.P. – Soul Traction – 5:33
Soul Traction is a Granular Sythesis track that is a pure noise and slow ass beat track that I had in the archives. I dusted it off and add some dirty noise screams with the Soul Traction Granular synth line.
L.A.M.P is the solo project of Benjamin Thompson, and features ultra tight beats off set with unsual noises and black humor.
(Backwards NW)
«Backwards NW is the noisy ecletic sister label of Backwards Records as a label we strive to release , promote and book musicians and artists that produce music without boundaries , this includes a wide range of unusual music including such "genres" as : Trashtronica , Glitch, NOISE, puesdo classical, XXXOTICA, nu/old jazz , in/out jazz, DDDM, break-core, Neo poetix, GLIP GLOP, dionysion polish jam rock , ethereal industrial etc etc.
111. Urbanisation Obscure - The Demonic Wanderer – 5:41
"There is a tale about a demon that protects all the ancient places of the desert. Everytime it hears something that is not meant to be there, it finds itself a body. Those who have seen it says it looks like a man, a wanderer. His eyes are as dark as the night, and there's always a smile on his face. His skin is pale of dust and brown of dried blood. He punishes all who has disturbed the harmony.
Then he goes back to the desert, and let the sand eat and swallow the body."
"Urbanisation Obscure tries to express feelings, thoughts, moods through sound illustrations. The rape on mother earth, the rise and fall of civilizations, the dark alley in our mind, elements, harmony and peace, darkness and light, future and passed, and other tales... Being able "fantasize" is required for understanding my music (but that totally depends on your definition of what fantasy and reality is)."
112. Isaac Linder - Vrai: a Question of the Archive(d) – 6:53
"Solo cymbal improvisation"
"Isaac Linder is a young improviser studying Music and
Writing at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.
Originally from DC, and inspired at a relatively young age
by the work of Anthony Braxton and e.e. cummings, he can
currently be found exploring the space/time, body/mind
continuum with an unconventional approach to the art of
percussion- utilizing a single cymbal as his only
Contact: ilinder@naropa.net
CD 2
201. Anthony Wintering – Dematerialization – 2:39
"As if being cloaked by a supernatural blanket, in the gaze of some distant eye, it all begins with rumbling of some black weight."
202. Ephemera Syndicate – F,G,W,B – 5:37
"I'll show you the reality for the people who pretend not to see"
« F,G,W,B is a message of "Rule that looks violence, and irresponsible" of "King of a military, economic large country".
And, it is a small action as "Hold a funeral to a lot of happening sacrifices by him (George)".
Ephemera Syndicate
KELOID (Program, Synth)
Shuhei Wakisaka (Guiter, Shynth, Program)
203. Espron – Illogicalsong – 7:19
The Illogical song is collaboration with Espron.
We record live sounds and then I twist them and mix it on my laptop.
Espron is Espen Waernes & Ronny Waernes.
We are the brothers in noise.
204. Eretsua – Sferics – 7:15
“Sferics» was recorded in early 2006. All sounds, noises, voices
and melodies in “sferics” are made by me (no samples, radio’s or other peoples work).”
Eretsua’s music oscillates between music and ambient with
percussion and melodies.
I sometimes also make noisier modern ambient.
205. Time & Tide - Well – 6:13
“well” was recorded during a live improvisation session at the end of November 2006.
Time & Tide was formed in January 2005 by Erix van Pelt (Analogue Pagans), Jeroen Visscher (Analogue Pagans, Hellmouth, Nascent) and Vincent Schenck (Eretsua, Hellmouth, Nascent, Navel). Starting in that same January, Time & Tide played monthly Full Moon electro-acoustic improvisations throughout 2005. At the end of 2005 / early 2006 Time & Tide performed a small series of successful concerts. It was the also that they released their debut, the now sold out & deleted faire d’une Pierre deux coups EP.
In 2006 Time & Tide’s self-titled full length, consisting out of tracks created from the Full Moon sessions of 2005 was finalized. In November of 2006 their 3rd EP remnants was released.
Early 2007 Time & Tide have returned to the full moon sessions and have resumed playing live concerts. 2007 will also see the release of Remnants through US label Forgotten Empire Records.
206. Domestic Turmoil – Distortion Nazi – 10:14
Domestic Turmoil is Tom Maggio of Turmoil and Caleb Jones of Dizzonanz Domestic the collaboration was done over the internet passing files back and forth,chopping them up and peicing them back togeather.
This is our myspace page:
207. Front Sonore – Front Sonore – 4:01
Front Sonore is a Vegan & Radical industrial project from France.
Front Sonore : Noise and Anarchy !
208. Noiz + Zilenth – Eminencia – 5:26
N+Z (Fco. Alejandro Maldonado M.)
Is a very young musician who started playing with cheap electronic keyboards. He learned to play drums and percussion but has mainly opted to learn about music software. His first performance as N&Z was in Tijuana's "el Callejon" bar, opening for C/A/T. He has since then shared the stage with Hocico and Epidemia. His focus is on the industrial noise genre but includes elements of classical and hindu music…
, as part of his performance has several ways of introducing different elements into his music. It’s composed of several influences that goes from “Power Noise” to the most essential feelings, in composed and distorted melodies.
His first CD called “Noir Tag” will be released in October of 2006, it’s based in lyrical compositions, Hindu and Classical Music, and sound variations that can easily betray our mind. He arrived to Tijuana in 1993, obsessed with arts, at age 14 he took Plastic Arts classes. After 5 years of learning the most deep and intense art narrations, he focused on what he wanted to do the most; enjoying and having an interest in classical piano, he was interested in being able to create music until he found the way of doing it thru computers and computer software, and by interpreting musical notes he was able to learn and to manipulate digital instruments as well.
, It’s a solo project. He has now 9 years as an artist and 5 years in the music business, he tries to express that not only in traditional music, but also in this kind it’s possible to interpret melodies that can get to the mind but also… to the heart.
209. Zaz Zetoun Mind – Pa' Hell Frater 23 - 4:49
ZAZ ZETOUN MIND is a solo project by MONDRAGON EYE EYE EYE member of french ritual duet KHU.
210. Musica-Ex-Machina - Just Go And Find Your Peace Again – 4:37
Musica-Ex-Machina is the electronic side of Pozoj and represents us as means through which the music speaks out. Musica-Ex-Machina is the birth of tragedy from the spirit of music which concerns everyone equaly regardless of someones subjective opinion or stands. It is substance of every heart, mind and soul and of course part of everything what is given in time. With music we get closer to the silence of time.
Krachermensch in der Krachzeit
Die Welt hat sich im Geist auflassen
Krachzeit in dem Krachermensch
Der Angstruf des Geistes durch uns erscheint.
211. The Zada Omvox – Zada 5 – 10:15
«A strange band marching throgh Rousseau's jungle as the fruit grows into large orange dirigibles.»
The music is recorded as it improvised by anything up to 20 shadowy mirror figures